Mercedes 250 SL 280 SL parts catalog

Mercedes 250 SL - 280 SL original parts catalog in very good condition

General Information
Category: Part catalogues
Subject/Title: Mercedes 250 SL 280 SL parts catalog
Language: English
Make: Mercedes-Benz
Cover: Hard
Type: New
First release: Yes
Price: Price on request

Contact Information
Name: A.S
Country: Norway
State or Region: Oslo
Postal code: 1785
Languages: Norwegian, English
Tel: +4793459192

We strongly advise using a Government registered escrow service for any transaction with an unknown party.
Escrow is the safest way to guarantee both sale and purchase protection.
The buyer's money is held securely until their goods or services are properly delivered, and the seller has full payment guaranteed if they fulfill their promise.
Do not use an escrow service if it is not Government registered - as it will almost certainly be fraudulent.

Please ensure it is clear who is responsible for transport damage.
We recommend UK Government registered – only 3,49 euro to be fully secured.